What the New Normal Would Be Like at Kiyosa Japanese Total Beauty Salon

The current global pandemic known as the COVID-19 has taken the world to a standstill. Everyone was forced to be quarantined to their homes in the hopes to prevent the virus from spreading further. During these times, non-essential services such as beauty salons have stopped their operations. As unfortunate as it is, we had to make the sacrifice and halt operations. Most people were forced to do their haircuts, hair colors, manicures and pedicures by themselves. Some have been successful, but most of the time it ends in a disaster!
After more than two months, we finally received the good news! Slowly but surely, the Philippines is working its way towards the “new normal,” the government has lifted the restrictions for salons as long as they follow the guidelines for minimum health protocols set by the government and enforced by the Philippine Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). You can now get professional services for your beauty needs! Only haircut services are allowed at the moment, but hopefully sooner than later eyelash and nails services will be permitted.
In accordance with this, Kiyosa Japanese Total Beauty has been preparing the following safety measures to ensure that both the clients and the staff will be protected from the virus.
Kiyosa Health Protocols for COVID-19
1. Daily sanitation and disinfection will be done in the salon every morning.
Before we open our doors, every corner and surfaces of the salon will be sanitized. This includes all workstations, tables, chairs and restrooms. Basically all high-contact areas and surfaces like door handles and the receptionist table. Even the pens used for filling out the forms will be sanitized as well.
2. Staff will wear of personal protective equipment (PPE)
This includes face masks, eyeglasses/face shields, hair caps, gloves and closed shoes to be worn at all times. Wearing of jewelry such as rings, bracelets, watches or earrings will not be allowed
3. Doormat with disinfectant is provided.
4. Practicing proper and thorough hand washing and hand sanitizing regularly.
Hand sanitizer, soap and water will be readily available for use.
5. Tools will be disinfected and sanitized before and after using them with clients.
6. Chairs will be sanitized after every client.
There will be an allotted ten (10) minute interval between clients to make time for sanitation.
7. Proper disposal of single-use supplies such as cotton balls and tissue will be observed
8. All staff will undergo thermal checks before allowed to work and entering the salon.
All staff whose temperature is above 37.5°C will not be allowed inside. Those with COVID-19 symptoms or with exposure to COVID-19 patients will not be allowed to work until they have tested negative from the virus.
9. Strict implementation of social and physical distancing.
In order to fulfill the one (1) meter social istancing, there is only a limited number of clients allowed at a time.
10. Keeping the salon well-ventilated
We keep the doors of the private room open, and we do ventilation during business hours by opening the door once an hour to circulate the air.
11. During this period we won’t serve drinks and offer magazines to prevent spreading the virus.
12. Enforcing measures to those who do not comply with protocols.
Kiyosa Health Protocols for Clients
We make sure to do our part in protecting our clients, but we must ask all of our clients to cooperate as well by following these protocols below.
1. Compulsory wearing of face masks. (No Facemasks, No Entry Policy)
2. Temperature scan upon entering the salon and filling out health checklist forms.
3. Practicing proper and thorough washing of hands
4. Clients are not allowed to bring companions. No waiting inside the salon also. Only a maximum of three (3) clients will be allowed inside.
5. Bags and belongings will be put in plastic for sanitation purposes.
6. Drinking and eating is not allowed inside the salon.
7. Face shields will be worn during shampoo service.
8. No physical contact during payment. Small trays are provided for accepting bills and coins. We encourage using Gcash or debit / credit cards for a cashless option.
9. For those who have symptoms below, please kindly refrain from coming to the salon.
-Those who have fever, dry cough, tiredness, headache
-Those experiencing loss of taste or smell
-Those who are suspected of being infected by a family member or a close acquaintance
-Those who have traveled to countries / regions, etc. where immigration restrictions or follow-up observations are required by the government within the past 14 days, and those who have density contact with this traveler
-Those who have visited a place within 14 days where a cluster of new coronavirus infections may have occurred
-Those who have other coronavirus infection symptoms
-Person who had influenza, Norovirus, etc. within a week
The Kiyosa family is so excited to open its doors again to the beloved clients. We know you are excited, too, because of the messages and reservations requests that are flooding in!
Kiyosa Japanese Total Beauty BGC branch opened on June 7, 2020 for HAIRCUT services only. We are not allowed to accept reservations for eyelash extensions and nail services as of the moment. To be the first to know about our updates, follow us on Facebook and Instagram!